Appendix A Screen Details
> A.11 Create Logical Volume
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
■ Setting items for volume creation
• Logical Volume
- Checkbox
Select the checkbox of the [Free] field for the volumes to create.
• Logical Volume Name
- Name
In the text box, enter the name to assign for the Logical Volum e up to 16 characters in
ASCII code (0x20
– 0x7E). Volume name can be omitted. The default status is blank.
• Volume Type
- Radio button
Select a volume type (Mainframe, MVV, MVV Concatenation , O p e n , S D V ) t o c r e a t e u s i n g
the radio buttons.
- Mainframe
• Format Type
Select a format type for Mainframe Volume (F6427G, F6427H, F6427K) from the list
• Format Type
Select a format type for MVV Volume (MVV (G), MVV (H), MVV (K)) from the list box.
- MVV Concatenation
• Format Type
Select a format type for MVV Concatenation (MVV (G), MVV (H), MVV (K)) from the list
Only one checkbox can be checked. Selecting multiple "Free" space
and creating a volume is impossible.
• The same volume name as an existing volume cannot be used.
• Names cannot be specified for the Mainframe Volumes.
Only the setting items for the volume types whic h can be crea ted are
Enabled when [Mainframe] is selected by radio button.
Enabled when [MVV] is selected by radio button.