
Appendix A Screen Details
> A.11 Create Logical Volume
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Setting items for volume creation
Logical Volume
- Checkbox
Select the checkbox of the [Free] field for the volumes to create.
Logical Volume Name
- Name
In the text box, enter the name to assign for the Logical Volum e up to 16 characters in
ASCII code (0x20
0x7E). Volume name can be omitted. The default status is blank.
Volume Type
- Radio button
Select a volume type (Mainframe, MVV, MVV Concatenation , O p e n , S D V ) t o c r e a t e u s i n g
the radio buttons.
- Mainframe
Format Type
Select a format type for Mainframe Volume (F6427G, F6427H, F6427K) from the list
Format Type
Select a format type for MVV Volume (MVV (G), MVV (H), MVV (K)) from the list box.
- MVV Concatenation
Format Type
Select a format type for MVV Concatenation (MVV (G), MVV (H), MVV (K)) from the list
Only one checkbox can be checked. Selecting multiple "Free" space
and creating a volume is impossible.
The same volume name as an existing volume cannot be used.
Names cannot be specified for the Mainframe Volumes.
Only the setting items for the volume types whic h can be crea ted are
Enabled when [Mainframe] is selected by radio button.
Enabled when [MVV] is selected by radio button.