Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.2 RAID Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
4 Select the free space (Free), and specify the capacity and number of SDPV to
be created in the RAID Group.
When creating the encrypted SDPV, check the [Create as an encrypted volume.]
5 Click the [Add] button.
→ The [Set Snap Data Pool (Create SDPV)] screen appears.
The background color of the SDPV to be added is displayed in yellow.
Repeat Step 4 and Step 5 to add more SDPV.
• If the encryption mode is disabled, encrypted SDPVs cannot be
• Multiple [Free] spaces cannot be selected to create an SDPV.
• Specify the SDPV capacity as a multiple of the SDPE capacity.
The SDPE capacity value may be changed using the "
Change SDPE" (page 195)function. SDPVs created after the
SDPE is changed will use the new value.
If a different SDPE is used in an ETERNUS DX400/DX8000
series, space may be allocated from the SDPVs created with the
old SDPE setting. It is recommended to delete the SDPV created
with the old SDPE setting in "Normal mode" when the SDPE is
changed. Note that SDPV that is "Scheduled for Deletion" is not
allocated to the SDV.
• Encrypted SDPVs cannot be changed to Non-encrypted SDPVs,
nor may Non-encrypted SDPVs be changed to encrypted SDPVs.
Create a Non-encrypted or Encrypted SDPV to match the
encryption status of the SDV being expanded.