Appendix A Screen Details
> A.5 Volume List
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
■ Logical Volume list (Concatenated MVV Volumes)
The displayed contents of MVV concatenated volume is as follows.
● Displayed contents
• Logical Volume
- Mainframe#
- Open#
For a Mainframe system, the Logical Volume number for each volume that configures the
concatenated volume is displayed.
For an Open system, the primary Logical Volume number, as well as the [Concatenated
order/Total number concatenated] for each Logical Volume that configures the
concatenated volume is displayed.
• Logical Volume Name
The Logical Volume name for the concatenated volume is displayed in the Name field of the
first concatenated order volume.
If a Logical Volume name is not specified, the field is blank.
For volumes other than the first concatenated order volume, [-] (hyphen) is displayed.
• Status
The status of each Logical Volume that configures the concatenated volume is displayed.
If the volume is being formatted, the [Format Progress] link is displayed.
Clicking the [Format Progress] link enables checking the status of the format progress for
each volume that configures the concatenated volume.
If the volume is being encrypted, the [Encrypt Progress] link is displayed.
Clicking the [Encrypt Progress] link enables checking the status of the encrypt progress for
each volume that configures the concatenated volume.
When the formatting has been aborted, "Format Aborted" is displayed.
• Volume Type
The volume type of each Logical Volume that configures the concatenated volume is
- Volume Type: MVV(G), MVV(H), or MVV(K)
• Encryption
The encryption status of each Logical Volume that configures the concatenated volume is
- Yes: Encrypted Volume
- -: Non-encrypted Volume
"-" (Non-encrypted volume) is displayed for volumes undergoing encryption up until the
operation is completed.
• Capacity (MB)
[-] (hyphen) is displayed for each Logical Volume that configures the concatenated volume.
• Resource Domain No.
[-] (hyphen) is displayed.
• Resource Domain Name
[-] (hyphen) is displayed.