
Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.4 Host Interface Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
The [Set CA Parameters (iSCSI-RA Detailed Setting)] screen appears.
Refer to "A.18.7 Set CA Parameters (iSCSI-RA Detailed Settings) Screen" (page
752) for screen details.
3 Select and set the setting items on each screen.
For FC-CA detailed settings
(1)Select the following items and click the [Set] button.
- Connection Topology
Select a connection topology for the FC-CA Port.
Select either Fabric Connection or FC-AL Connection.
When [FC-AL Connection] is selected, it is necessary to assign a Loop-ID to the FC-
CA Port.
- FC Frame Size
Select a FC frame size for the FC-CA Port from the list box.
- Transfer Rate
Select a transfer rate for the FC-CA Port from the list box.
- Affinity Mode
Select ON (Enabled) or OFF (Disabled) for the Host-Affinity function of the FC-CA
When OFF (Disabled) is selected for [Affinity Mode], it is necessary to assign a Host
Response to the FC-CA Port.
- Reset Scope
Select the Reset Scope for the FC-CA Port from [I_T_L] or [T_L].
- Reserve Cancel at Chip Reset
Select ON (Enabled) or OFF (Disabled) for the Reserve Cancel setting for the FC-
CA Port Chip Reset.
When the [Set] button is clicked without selecting the CA Port for
which to set connection information, an error screen appears.