Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.3 Thin Provisioning Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
2 Select the "Mode" and "Type of Selection" for the target Thin Provisioning Pool,
and click the [Set] button.
There are two Modes to select Thin Provisioning Pool as follows:
• All Thin Provisioning Pool
Select the Thin Provisioning Pools whose status is "Available", "Partially Readying", or
"Readying". When performing the format, data stored in the Thin Provisioning V o l u m e s
created in the target Thin Provisioning Pool will be deleted.
• Unformatted Thin Provisioning Pool
Select the Thin Provisioning Pools whose status is "Partially Readying" or "Readying".
Data stored in the Thin Provisioning Volumes created in the target Thin P r o v i s i o n i n g
Pool will not be deleted. "Unformatted Thin Provisioning Pool" indicates an additional
area in the Thin Provisioning Pool expanded by another function, such as capacity
There are two methods to select Thin Provisioning Pools.
• Select Individual Selection or Range Selection and format.
→ The [Format Thin Provisioning Pool (Select Pool)] screen appears. Move on to Step
• Select all Thin Provisioning Pools and format.
→ The [Format Thin Provisioning Pool (Check)] screen appears. Move on to Step 4
When no Thin Provisioning Pools that can be formatted exist, a
message to that effect is displayed. Click the [OK] button to return to
the [Menu] screen.
When all the Thin Provisioning Pools that can be formatted are in
"Available" status, "Unformatted Thin Provisioning Po ol" is not
displayed as the Mode.