
Appendix A Screen Details
> A.11 Create Logical Volume
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
A.11.2 Create Logical Volume (Create Thin Provisioning Volume) Screen
Create the Thin Provisioning Volumes in the selected Thin Provisioning Pool.
Displayed contents
TPP Free
The free capacity of the selected Thin Provisioning Pool is displayed in MB.
When the device is in the "Not Ready" status, [?] is displayed.
TPV Free
The capacity of Thin Provisioning Volumes that can be created in the ETERNUS DX400/
DX8000 series is displayed in MB.
Current Domain Used/Assignable
The usage of resources in the Resource Domain to be used for creating volumes is displayed.
[Assignable] indicates the number of assignable (the maximum number of) resources of the
relevant Resource Domain. [Used] indicates the number of used resources in the relevant
Resource Domain.
All Domains Used/Max
The usage of resources to be used for creating volumes is displayed.
[Max] indicates the maximum number of volumes for each model. [Used] ind i c a t e s t h e
number of used resources. When using the Thin Provisioning functions or LUN Concatenated
functions, the number of registered (including to be registered) volumes and number of
"Used" volumes may not match.
Setting item
In the text box, enter the name to assign for the Thin Provisioning Volume up to 16 characters
in ASCII code (0x20
Volume name can be omitted.
When creating multiple Thin Provisioning Volumes at the same time, refer to Naming rules
when creating multiple volumes for details about volume names.
When selecting the Thin Provisioning Pool which is assigned to the
Shared Resource Domain [Share] in the [Create Logical Volume (Select
Pool)] screen, or no Resource Domains are registered in the ETERNUS
DX400/DX8000 series, the [Current Domain Used/Assignable] is not
When selecting the Thin Provisioning Pool which is assigned to the
Shared Resource Domain [Share] in the [Create Logical Volume (Select
Pool)] screen, or no Resource Domains are registered in the ETERNUS
DX400/DX8000 series, the [All Domains Used/Max] is displayed as
An existing volume name cannot be specified.