
Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.3 Thin Provisioning Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
This section explains [Create/Extend Thin Provisioning Pool] procedures.
The following settings are available.
Create Thin Provisioning Pool
Thin Provisioning Pool Expansion
Change Thin Provisioning Pool Name
Procedures for each operation are described below. Create Thin Provisioning Pool
This section explains how to create new Thin Provisioning Pools.
1 Click [Create/Extend Thin Provisioning Pool] under the Thin Provisioning
Management in the [Configuration] menu.
The [Create/Extend Thin Provisioning Pool (Select Pool)] screen appears.
When the Thin Provisioning Pool creation process is completed, the
Thin Provisioning Pool will be formatted automatically. Refer to the [Thin
Provisioning Pool List] function for format progress.
After creating Thin Provisioning Pool in the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000
series, use the [Set Thin Provisioning Pool Parameters] menu to set the
threshold to monitor the Pool usage. When a Thin Provisioning Pool is
created, default thresholds (Warning threshold: 90(%) and Caution
threshold: 75(%)) is specified.
When changing Controlling CM-CPU for RAID Groups registered in the
Thin Provisioning Pool, use the [Change Controlling CM of RAID Group]
When changing RAID Group names registered in the Thin Provisioning
Pool, use the [Rename RAID Group] function.