
Chapter 6 Settings Menu
> 6.8 Others
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
4 Click the [Close] or [OK] button.
Either the [Close] or [OK] button will be displayed, depending on the device conditions.
The [Close] button is displayed under the following conditions:
Network address (IP Address or Subnet Mask) of the device (USER Port) is changed
IP Address or Subnet Mask of the FST Port is changed
The device cannot be connected to the destination, and so on
The window is closed.
When the IP Address or Subnet Mask of the ETERNUS DX400/
DX8000 series is changed, the network addr e s s ( I P A d d r e s s o r
Subnet Mask) of FST may also be changed.
It is necessary to log on again after the setting is complete.