Fujitsu DX400 Computer Drive User Manual

Appendix A Screen Details
> A.29 Set Eco-mode Schedule
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
Weekly Template
Select when adding/editing the constantly active disk term weekly and set the start and end
- Start day: Sunday – Saturday (Default: Monday)
- End day: Sunday – Saturday (Default: Monday)
- Start time: Hour can be set among 0 – 23 and minute can be specified as 00 or 30.
(Default: 0:00)
- End time: Hour can be set among 0 – 23 and minute can be specified as 00 or 30.
(Default: 0:00)
Refer to the "Eco-mode Setting Example" (page 788).
Specified Date Template
Select when adding/editing the constantly active disk term on a specified date and set the
sequential start and end time for start/end month and day.
- Start month: Every month, January – December (Default: Every month)
- Start day: 1 – 31 (Default: 1)
- End day: The day, The next day, 2 – 7 days after (Default: The day)
- Start time: Hour can be set among 0 – 23 and minute can be specified as 00 or 30.
(Default: 0:00)
- End time: Hour can be set among 0 – 23 and minute can be specified as 00 or 30.
(Default: 0:00)
Refer to the "Eco-mode Setting Example" (page 788).
If the specified end time is earlier than the start t i m e , t h e e n d t i m e i s
set to the next day.
The same time cannot be specified for start/end time.
The setting that passes Sunday cannot be specified for the start and
end week.
An end time earlier than start time ca nnot be specified (when the end
day is "The day").
A constantly active disk term longer than one week cannot be
specified (when the end day is "7 days later" and the end time is later
than the start time).
Months or dates that do not exist cannot be specified.