Fujitsu DX400 Computer Drive User Manual

Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.4 Host Interface Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
The following explains the CA Reset Group setting procedures.
1 Click [Set CA Reset Group] under the Host Interface Management in the
[Configuration] menu.
The [Set CA Reset Group (Initial)] screen appears.
2 Select the CA port to set the Reset Group, and click the [Set] button.
The [Set CA Reset Group (Select Reset Group)] screen appears.
The CA port selected in Step 2 is displayed with a yellow background and without
The members in the Reset Group to which the CA Port selected in Step 2 belongs are
displayed with a yellow background with a checkbox checked.
One FC-CA Port, or one iSCSI-CA Port, can be a member of one CA
Reset Group.
Only the same type of CA can be a member of a CA Reset Group.
When a CA port is shared by multiple servers using the Host Affinity
function, only volumes that are included in the LUN mapping assigned
to the target server in the Host-Affinity Group setting are subject to
4Gbit/s an d 8G bit/s maxim um tra nsfer speed F C-CA po rts c an be
members of the same CA Reset Group.
For a server which is necessary to set/change the CA Reset Group,
refer to the "ETERNUS DX Disk storage systems Server Connection
Guide" for each OS type.
When the [Set] button is clicked without selecting a CA port to set a
Reset Group, an error screen appears.
"FC8G" indicates FC with a maximum transfer speed of 8Gbit/s.