Appendix A Screen Details
> A.28 Set SNMP Agent Environment
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
- view: trap view
• The form of Object ID is used.
■ Input character of SNMP agent setting item
• Community
- name
Up to 50 characters can be input.
- view
Up to 60 characters can be input.
• View
- name
Up to 60 characters can be input.
- subtree
Up to 60 characters can be input.
Even when specifying multiple subtrees, a total of up to 60 characters can be input.
• Trap
- name
Up to 50 characters can be input.
Characters which can be input is as follows.
- Alphanumeric
- Alphanumeric symbols [!], [#], [$], [%], [&], [_], [+], [-], [*], [/] can be used.
- Differentiates between capital letters and lower case
- Space character (0x20) (*1)
*1: The "Community" command and the "Trap" command allow entering ["] (double quotation)
when "name" includes the space character. Enclose [name] with ["] when [name] includes the
space character (example "Test 1").
In this case, this ["] is counted as one character.
■ Setting of device unique information
• Description
The explanation about the device is shown.
Up to 50 characters can be input.
• Administrator
The administrator name of the device is shown.
Up to 50 characters can be input.
• Name
The name of the device is shown.
Up to 50 characters can be input.
• Installation Site
The installation site of the device is shown.
Up to 50 characters can be input.
Characters which can be input is as follows.
- Alphanumeric
- Alphanumeric symbols [!], [#], [$], [%], [&], [_], [+], [-], [*], [/] can be used.
- Differentiates between capital letters and lower case
- Space character (0x20) (*1)