
Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.2 RAID Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
The [Delete Logical Volume (Check)] screen appears.
The same Logical Volume number exists in Open Volumes and
Mainframe Volumes.
When deleting volumes by the [Range], pay attention to the
selection of the radio button.
If the volume to be deleted is mapped, the mapping will be
deleted as well.
If all the volumes in the Affinity Group are deleted, the Affinity
Group will be deleted as well.
Volumes under RAID Migration (Migration Source Volume and
Work Volume) cannot be deleted. Checkboxes are not displayed
for these volumes.
Thin Provisioning Volumes that are being balanced (balancing
target Thin Provisioning Volumes and work volumes) cannot be
deleted. Checkboxes are not displayed for these volumes.
When clicking the [Set] button in the following conditions, an error
screen appears:
- No volumes are selected
- Selecting 129 or more volumes for Individual selection
- 129 or more deletion target volumes exist in the range for
Range (Mainframe) selection
- 129 or more deletion target Thin Provisioning Volumes exist in
the range for Range (Open) selection
- 129 or mode deletion target volumes other than Thin
Provisioning Volumes exist in the range for Range (Open)