
Appendix A Screen Details
> A.18 Set CA Parameters
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
A.18.4 Set CA Parameters (OCLINK Detailed Settings) Screen
Set the detailed information of the OCLINK Port selected on the [Set CA Parameters (Initial)]
screen. The installation location of the OCLINK Port is displayed on the screen as [CM#x CA#y
Setting item
OS Kind
Select the OS type for the host connected with the OCLINK Port by clicking the radio button.
- Fujitsu 1: (Default)
The destination host runs on a Fujitsu OS.
This is used when the OS can recognize and control the Logical Control Unit (LCU).
When this OS is selected, it is necessary to register multiple (maximum 16) LCUs and
mapping information by the [Set LCU] function.
- Fujitsu 2:
The destination host runs on a Fujitsu OS.
This is used when the OS cannot recognize or control the Logical Control Unit (LCU).
When this OS is selected, it is necessary to register one LCU and mapping information by
the [Set LCU] function.
Port Mode
Select the desired port mode for the OCLINK Port by clicking the radio button.
- CU: (Default)
Port Mode for Mainframe host connections.
- CH:
Unsupported Port Mode (cannot be selected).
A.18.5 Set CA Parameters (FCLINK Detailed Settings) Screen
Set the detailed information of the FCLINK Port selected on the [Set CA Parameters (Initial)]
screen. The installation location of the FCLINK Port is displayed on the screen as [CM#x CA#y
Setting item
Transfer Rate
Select the transfer rate of the FCLINK Port from the list box.
- 1Gbit/s: (Default)
Sets the transfer rate to 1Gbit/s.
This is used when connecting GS and FCLINK directly.
- 2Gbit/s:
Sets the transfer rate to 2Gbit/s.
This is used when connecting GS and FCLINK via FCLINK switch.
If the OS Kind is changed, mapping information is deleted.