
Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.2 RAID Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
End of procedure
5.2.13 Progress of RAID Migration
On this screen, the progress status of RAID Migration is displayed.
This function can be used to check the status of RAID Migration. Also, unintended volume migra-
tion can be stopped using this function.
The operation status displayed in the [RAID Migration Progress List] is shown below.
The following describes procedures to display the progress of RAID Migration.
Clicking the [Progress of RAID Migration] link enables checking the
progress status of the migration.
Operation status of RAID
Display of [RAID Migration Progress
Required actions
Normal In operation The status is displayed in the list. Unnecessary
Complete The status is not displayed in the
list. (Deleted from the list after
Errors detected The status is displayed in the list. Delete the work volume
manually using this function.
In order to recover normal status (the status before failure), the
configuration information of the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series may
be needed. After RAID Migration has been completed (*1), use the
[Export Configuration] function to get the configuration information.
*1: This indicates that normal RAID Migrations have been completed, and RAID
Migrations that terminated due to error are deleted completely.
When Resource Domains are registered in ETERNUS DX400/DX8000
series, the progress status of RAID Migration which can be displayed,
differs depending on the current user account.
- When logged on using a Total Administrator account, the progress
status of the RAID Migration for all the volum e s t h a t a r e a s s i g n e d t o
Resource Domains can be displayed.
- When logged on using a Resource Domain Administrator account,
only the progress status of RAID Migrations for volumes that are
assigned to the relevant Resource Domain and the Shared
Resource can be displayed.
Use the [RAID Migration] function to perform the actual migration.
Up to 32 migrations including TPV balancing can be performed at the
same time. Refer to the [Progress of Balance Thin Provisioning Volume]
function for progress status of TPV balancing.
Once the migration has stopped, accessing the data stored in the
migration source volume is possible.