
Appendix A Screen Details
> A.8 Assign Numerical Resource
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
A.8 Assign Numerical Resource
A.8.1 Assign Numerical Resource (Set Assignable Resources) Screen
On this screen, change the Assignable Resources of the selected Resource. The target
Resources are "Logical Volume", "Host WWN", "iSCSI Host", "Affinity Group", "Host Response",
and "
Eco-mode Schedule".
Resources Settings
Setting item
Assignable Resources
Enter the maximum number of the relevant Resource in the text box in decimal numbers. The
default setting is "0"
Displayed contents
Resource Domain No.
The Resource Domain number (0x00 – 0x07) for the relevant Resource Domain is displayed.
Resource Domain Name
The Resource Domain name for the relevant Resource Domain is displayed w i t h i n 1 6
If a Resource Domain name is not specified, the field is blank.
Assigned Resources
The number of Resources assigned to the relevant Resource Domain is displayed.
Total Assignable Resources
The total number of "Assignable Resources" for each Resource Domain is displayed.
Maximum Assignable Resources
The maximum number of Resources for the relevant Resource of each model is displayed.
Smaller vales than "Assigned Resources" can be specified in the
"Assignable Resources". In this case, the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000
series can be used with an "Assigned Resources" value that is larger
than the "Assignable Resources" value, but the relevant Resource can-
not be added.
If the "Total Assignable Resources" value exceeds the "Maximum
Assignable Resources" value, an error message appears. Enter the
"Assignable Resources" value again to keep the "Total Assignable
Resources" value smaller than the "Maximum Assignable Resources".