Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.2 RAID Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
■ Logical Device Expansion RAID Group Requirements
• RAID group [Status] must be [Available].
• RAID group must satisfy either of the following:
- At least one Open Volume, Snap Data Volume, or Snap Data Pool Volume registered.
- Absolutely no volumes registered.
- Not registered in the Thin Provisioning Pool.
- Not registered as a REC Disk Buffer.
• RAID group must not be blocked.
• Component volumes may not be in the process of being formatted.
• Component volumes may not be in the process of being encrypted.
• Before performing the LDE, be sure to back up all data from the Logical
Volumes of the target RAID group to safe areas on unaffected volumes
(as the original data will not be recoverable if the LDE fails). If the LDE
fails, restore from the backed up data.
• When adding a disk drive, be sure it has the same c a p a c i t y a s t h e o t h e r
disk drives in the LDE target RAID group. If diffe r e n t c a p a c i t y d i s k d r i v e s
are used, then post-LDE all the disk drives will have a usable capacity
the same size as that of the smallest disk drive in the RAID group, with
the excess capacity in any larger disk drives not usable.
• When adding a disk drive, be sure to use the disk drive which is the
same type as the other disk drives in the LDE target RAID group.
• LDE cannot be performed if it will decrease the RAID group capacity.
• LDE cannot be performed if the RAID Group is registered in the Thin
Provisioning Pool.
• LDE cannot be performed if the RAID Group is r e g i s t e r e d a s a R E C
Disk Buffer.
• Running LDE on a RAID group will prevent the following operations from
being executed on component disks/volumes:
- Volume format
- Volume creation
- Volume encryption
- RAID Migration of volumes
- LUN concatenation of volumes
- Disk preventive maintenance
- Disk diagnosis
- RAID group diagnosis
- Assigning to Resource Domain