
Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.3 Thin Provisioning Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
2 Click the [TPP No.] link for the Thin Provisioning Pool to be renamed.
The [Create/Extend Thin Provisioning Pool (Pool Setting (Rename))] screen appears.
3 Input the new Thin Provisioning Pool name into the TPP Name text box, and
click the [Rename] button.
The [Create/Extend Thin Provisioning Pool (Check Rename Pool)] screen appears.
When no Thin Provisioning Pool is registered in the device, a
message to that effect is displayed. Click the [Menu] button to return
to the [Menu] screen.
Renaming TPP and TPP expansion operations cannot be
performed at the same time. Rename the TPP first, and then
expand the TPP capacity.
Renaming multiple TPP is not allowed. Change the TPP name
one by one.
When clicking the [Rename] button in the following conditions, an
error screen appears.
- When entering characters other than ASCII code (0x20 –
0x7E) as TPP Name
- When entering existing Pool name as the TPP name
- When the TPP name is not changed