Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.3 Thin Provisioning Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
2 Click the [TPP No.] link for the Thin Provisioning Pool to be renamed.
→ The [Create/Extend Thin Provisioning Pool (Pool Setting (Rename))] screen appears.
3 Input the new Thin Provisioning Pool name into the TPP Name text box, and
click the [Rename] button.
→ The [Create/Extend Thin Provisioning Pool (Check Rename Pool)] screen appears.
When no Thin Provisioning Pool is registered in the device, a
message to that effect is displayed. Click the [Menu] button to return
to the [Menu] screen.
• Renaming TPP and TPP expansion operations cannot be
performed at the same time. Rename the TPP first, and then
expand the TPP capacity.
• Renaming multiple TPP is not allowed. Change the TPP name
one by one.
• When clicking the [Rename] button in the following conditions, an
error screen appears.
- When entering characters other than ASCII code (0x20 –
0x7E) as TPP Name
- When entering existing Pool name as the TPP name
- When the TPP name is not changed