Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.4 Host Interface Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
The following explains Set LCU procedures.
The following settings are available.
• Add LCU
• Change LCU
• Delete LCU
The procedures are explained in the following sections. Add LCU
1 Click [Set LCU] under the Host Interface Management in the [Configuration]
→ The [Set LCU (Initial)] screen appears.
2 Select the LCU to add in [Add LCU#], and click the [Add] button.
→ The [Set LCU (Setting)] screen appears.
• If changing/deleting a LCU during operation, make sure to stop the host
access to the OCLINK Port or FCLINK Port where the LCU will be
changed/deleted. To add a new LCU, it is not necessary to stop the host
• If an LCU is deleted, the connection between the IOA Mapping
information and the LCU will be also deleted.
• If changing an LCU during operation, make sure that Remote File Copy
Facility-Expand (RFCF-EX) is not performed. All the information related
to volumes used for RFCF-EX is initialized when LCU settings are
• Up to 16 LCUs per port can be used as host interfaces.
When the RFCF(RBS) license is registered, Remote Flag (RBS mode) can
be set.