Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.3 Thin Provisioning Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
4 Click the [OK] button.
→ Returns to the [Menu] screen.
End of procedure
5.3.7 Create Logical Volume
This function creates a volume in a registered RAID Group or Thin Provisioning Pool without
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series operations. Refer to "5.2.6 Create Logical Volume"
(page 167) for details.
5.3.8 Rename Logical Volume
This function changes the volume name without stopping host access. Refer to "5.2.8 Rename
Logical Volume" (page 197) for details.