
Appendix A Screen Details
> A.12 Set Snap Data Pool
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
SDP Information for Non-encrypted Volume
Displayed contents
Total Capacity
The non-encrypted Snap Data Pool (SDP) capacity (total capacity of non-encrypted SDPV) is
displayed (in GB).
Used Capacity
The usage of non-encrypted SDP capacity (total capacity of SDPE allocated to non-encrypted
SDV) is displayed (in GB and as a percentage ratio).
Used Capacity (GB) = "Host" value of [Used Capacity Detail] +
"Copy" value of [Used Capacity Detail]
Used Capacity (%) = 100 × Used Capacity (GB) / Total Capacity (GB) (Rounded down)
Used Capacity Detail
- Host:
The total capacity of SDPE allocated to non-encrypted SDV whose capacity was
exhausted by data writes from the host is displayed (in GB).
- Copy:
The total capacity of SDPE allocated to non-encrypted SDV whose capacity was
exhausted by copied SnapOPC or SnapOPC+ data is displayed (in GB).
SDP Information for Encrypted Volume
Displayed contents
Total Capacity
The encrypted Snap Data Pool (SDP) capacity (total capacity of encrypted SDPV) is
displayed (in GB).
Used Capacity
The usage of encrypted SDP capacity (total capacity of SDPE allocated to encrypted SDV) is
displayed (in GB and as a percentage ratio).
Used Capacity (GB) = "Host" value of [Used Capacity Detail] +
"Copy" value of [Used Capacity Detail]
Used Capacity (%) = 100 × Used Capacity (GB) / Total Capacity (GB) (Rounded down)
Used Capacity Detail
- Host:
The total capacity of SDPE allocated to encrypted SDV whose capacity was exhausted by
data writes from the host is displayed (in GB).
- Copy:
The total capacity of SDPE allocated to encrypted SDV whose capacity was exhausted by
copied SnapOPC or SnapOPC+ data is displayed (in GB).