
Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.3 Thin Provisioning Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
5.3.9 Set Thin Provisioning Volume Parameters
This function sets the thresholds for monitoring shortages of the Thin Provisioning Pool for each
This section describes how to set the Thin Provisioning Volume parameters.
1 Click [Set Thin Provisioning Volume Parameters] under the Thin Provisioning
Management in the [Configuration] menu.
The [Set Thin Provisioning Volume Parameters (Notification Setting)] screen appears.
Refer to "A.16.1 Set Thin Provisioning Volume Parameters (Notification Setting)
Screen" (page 738) for screen details.
When there are no Thin Provisioning Volumes registered, the [Set Thin
Provisioning Volume Parameters] function cannot be used.
When Resource Domains are registered in the ETERNUS DX400/
DX8000 series, Thin Provisioning Volumes to which the thresholds can
be set differ depending on the current user account.
- When logged on using a Total Administrator account, the thresholds
of all the Thin Provisioning Volumes that are assigned to Resource
Domains can be set.
- When logged on using a Resource Domain Administrator account,
the thresholds of only the Thin Provisioning Volumes that are
assigned to the relevant Resource Domain, and only the Thin
Provisioning Volumes that are assigned to the Shared Resource, can
be set.
This function monitors the Thin Provisioning Pool (TPP) shortage f o r
each Thin Provisioning Volume. If unused TPP capacity becomes less
than the non-allocated Thin Provisioning Volume capacity threshold
value, "Caution" is displayed in the Status of t h e N o t i c e f i e l d . T P P i s
used by multiple volumes. Therefore, if the amount of areas allocated to
other volumes in the TPP increases, other volumes with small allocation
(volumes that are not accessed from the host very often) may be in the
"Caution" state. Consider the access status of volumes in TPP and
expand the TPP capacity. Use the [Create/Extend Thin Provisioning
Pool] function to expand the TPP capacity.
Notification destination of Thin Provisioning Pool shortage for ea ch
volume is only the ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser.
If the thresholds for a Thin Provisioning Volume cannot be specified,
a message to that effect is displayed. Click the [OK] button to return
to the [Menu] screen.