
Chapter 8 Remote Support Menu
> 8.2 Set
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
8.2 Set
The following settings can be performed on this screen.
Set Remote Support
Update Customer Information
Change Communication Environment Information
8.2.1 Set Remote Support
This function registers the information related to the user of the device (customer information)
and setting information related to the (REMCS) functional operation (communication environ
ment information) to the REMCS center/device.
"REMCS" is a remote maintenance system unique to Fujitsu, and has the following functions.
Trouble message
Reports various troubles occurring in the device to REMCS center. Maintenance operators
can notice the failure occurrence immediately from this message.
Information Transfer
Transfers various information (logs and configuration definition information) to investigate the
failure. Time to collect the information can be shortened by this function.
Download firmware
Automatically registers the latest firmware registered in the REMCS center into the device.
The latest firmware is registered in the device to prevent a given failure occurrence using this
function. Also, the firmware can be registered manually.
Also, the remote support setting information file created by using REMCS Environment Setup
Assist Tool (REMCS ESAT) can be imported into the device. There are 2 types of remote
support setting information files: "User Information File" (Settings of user information) and
"Communication Environment Information File" (Settings of communication environment
information). Recording the imported remote support setting information file into the device
simplifies the input operation for each device by the user.
Just importing the remote support setting information file to the device
does not update the information in the device. To update the information
in the device, it is necessary to use the [Set] button.
Only the common information of the device can be imported using the
remote support setting information file. This information does n o t i n c l u d e
the information that should be set for individual devices. When
executing [Remote Support], after importing the remote support setting
information file, it is necessary to set the information unique to the
When logged on using a Resource Domain Administrator account, the
[Set Remote Support] menu is not displayed.
The setting status of the communication environment information and
support status can be checked from the [Display Support Settings] function.