Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.4 Host Interface Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
The following explains the procedures to change RA mode.
The following settings are available.
• Change RA Mode
• Copy RA Mode
The procedures are explained in the following sections. Change RA Mode
This section explains the procedures to change RA mode.
1 Click [Change RA Mode] under the Host Interface Management in the
[Configuration] menu.
→ The [Change RA Mode (Initial)] screen appears.
2 Select the CA Port to change mode, and click the [Set] button.
→ The [Change RA Mode (Change RA Mode)] screen appears.
- If the port mode is changed from "RFCF-RA" to "CA", or "RA", the
pair port mode of the selected port is automatically changed to "CA".
- If the "RFCF-RA" port is copied to the "CA", or "RA" port, the "RFCF-
RA" port is automatically copied to the pair port of the specified copy
destination port.
- If the "CA", or "RA" port is copied to "RFCF-RA" port, the pair port of
the specified copy destination port is automatically changed to "CA"
• Others
- When no FC is defined, this function cannot be used.
- When logged on using a Resource Domain Administrator account,
the [Change RA Mode] menu is not displayed.
Up to 32 ports can be specified for RFCF-RA mode.