Appendix A Screen Details
> A.18 Set CA Parameters
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
• Reserve Cancel at Chip Reset
A host can place a volume in reserved status by issuing the "Reserve" command. When the
ISP Chip of the iSCSI-CA Port is reset, whether or not to cancel the volume reserved status
can be set with the [Reserve cancel at Chip Reset].
- OFF: Does not cancel the reserved status. (Default)
- ON: Cancels the reserved status.
• CmdSN Count
Change the number of commands that can be accepted from the host at the same time for the
iSCSI-CA port. It is not necessary to change this default setting (Unlimited) for normal use.
The number of commands can be selected from Default, 180, 120, 80, 40, or 20.
• Header Digest
Set the Header Digest of the iSCSI-CA Port.
[Header Digest] is a check code which adds detailed information to the header division of
iSCSI-CA. Specify "CRC32C" when add check code from the host is requested.
- OFF (Default)
Does not add the check code.
- CRC32C
Adds the check code.
"CRC32C" is an algorithm when creating a check code.
• Data Digest
Set the Data Digest of the iSCSI-CA Port.
[Data Digest] is a check code which adds detailed information to the data division of iSCSI-
CA. Specify "CRC32C" when add check code from the host is requested.
- OFF (Default)
Does not add the check code.
- CRC32C
Adds the check code.
"CRC32C" is an algorithm when creating a check code.
A.18.7 Set CA Parameters (iSCSI-RA Detailed Settings) Screen
Set the detailed information of the iSCSI-RA Port selected on the [Set CA Parameters (Initial)]
screen. The installation location of the iSCSI-RA Port is displayed on the screen as [CM#x CA#y
● Displayed contents
• iSCSI Name
- iSCSI Name
iSCSI Name of the iSCSI-RA Port is displayed.