Appendix A Screen Details
> A.22 Set Host Response (Add Host Response)
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
A.22 Set Host Response (Add Host Response)
A.22.1 Set Host Response (Initial) Screen
On this screen, Host Responses are displayed. Addition/change/deletion of Host Response(s)
can be performed here.
When Resource Domains are registered in the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series, the displayed
Host Responses differ depending on the current user account.
When logged on using a Total Administrator account, all the Host Responses that are assigned
to Resource Domains are displayed. When logged on using a Resource Domain Administrator
account, only the Host Responses that are assigned to the relevant Resource Domain, and only
the Host Responses that are assigned to the Shared Resource, are displayed.
When Resource Domains are not registered, all the Host Responses registered in the ETERNUS
DX400/DX8000 series are displayed.
■ Host Response List
● Displayed contents
• Checkbox
Use when deleting Host Response.
• Host Response No.
Identification number (0x01 – 0xFF) or the [Default] of the Host Response is displayed.
This is used when assigning Host Response to Host W W N , F C - C A P o r t , i S C S I H o s t
information, or iSCSI-CA Port.
• Host Response Name
Host Response name is displayed.
This is used when assigning Host Response to Host W W N , F C - C A P o r t , i S C S I H o s t
information, or iSCSI-CA Port.
• Resource Domain No.
The Resource Domain number (0x00 – 0x07) to which the Host Response belongs is
If the Host Response is a Shared Resource, [-] (hyphen) is displayed.
• Resource Domain Name
The Resource Domain name to which the Host Response belongs is displayed w i t h i n 1 6
If a Resource Domain name is not specified, the field is blank.
If the Host Response is a Shared Resource, [Share] is displayed.
The [Default] Host Response cannot be deleted.