Appendix A Screen Details
> A.25 Set REC Priority
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
- Compression Ratio
When the line device has a data compression function, select the compression rate (the
mean value) of the compressed data from the list box.
Set the compression ratio from 0 – 99 (%).
When the line device does not have a data compression function, set "0 (%)".
For a line device whose average data transfer is reduced to 60% of the original size, set a
compression ratio of "40 (%)".
- Response Time
The turn-around response time between the local device and the remote device is set.
When you click the [Refresh] button, response time is measured again.
■ Calculation method of effective line speed
Link speed for the connection between the local device and a given remote device is calculated
by totalling the aggregate line speeds.
When using an iSCSI-RA as a remote interface and limiting the WAN bandwidth usage with a
bandwidth controller connected to the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series, set the "Bandwidth
Limit" value specified in "A.18.7 Set CA Parameters (iSCSI-RA Detailed Settings) Screen" (page
Link Speed = Total Line Speed
- Total Line Speed:
Aggregate speed of all lines used for REC sessions between the local device and remote
(Examples 1) When a bandwidth controller is not used
- Line speed: 128Mbit/s
- Number of lines: 4 (all 128Mbit/s)
Link Speed = 128Mbit/s × 4 = 512Mbit/s
(Examples 2) When a bandwidth controller is used
- Line speed (= Bandwidth Limit value): 100Mbit/s
- Number of lines: 2 (both 100Mbit/s)
Link Speed = 100Mbit/s × 2 = 200Mbit/s
Set the actually REC-usable WAN bandwidth (for multiple lines, set the total bandwidth value) as
the "Link Speed". If the REC-usable WAN bandwidth is being limited by a bandwidth controller,
set the relevant value. Since the ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series are not able to limit their
WAN bandwidth usage, a bandwidth controller must be used to limit it for them.
• When Connection Type is [Remote Connection], this is enabled.
• When this is not set or Connection Type is [Direct Connection], [0
(%)] is displayed.
• When Connection Type is [Remote Connection], this is enabled.
• When this is not unmeasured or Connection Type is [Direct
Connection], [0 (msec)] is displayed.