
Chapter 5 Configuration Menu
> 5.2 RAID Management
ETERNUS DX400/DX8000 series ETERNUSmgr User Guide Settings/Maintenance
Copyright 2010 FUJITSU LIMITED
The following explains the RAID Migration setting procedures.
1 Click [RAID Migration] under the RAID Management (or Thin Provisioning
Management) in the [Configuration] menu.
The [RAID Migration (Initial)] screen appears.
The initial screen displays the data download screen for each copy session.
When the data download is completed, the [RAID Migration (Select Migra t i o n S o u r c e
Volume)] screen appears.
In order to recover normal status (the status before failure), the device
configuration information may be needed. After RAID Migration has
been completed, use the [Export Configuration] function to get the
configuration information.
When Resource Domains are registered in ETERNUS DX400/DX8000
series, volumes that can be migrated differ depending on the current
user account.
- When logged on using a Total Administrator account, all the volumes
that are assigned to Resource Domains can be migrated.
- When logged on using a Resource Domain Administrator account,
only the volumes that are assigned to the relevant Resource
Domain, and only the volumes that are assigned to the Shared
Resource, can be migrated.
If the migration source and/or migration destin a t i o n v o l u m e t y p e i s T P V,
volume capacity expansion using RAID Migration is not available. Use
the [Thin Provisioning Volume Expansion] function before starting RAID
Migration or after the migration process completes to expand the
capacity of the TPV.
If an unencrypted volume is migrated in an encrypted TPP, the volume
cannot be returned to unencrypted status.
For restrictions during RAID Migration, refer to "Restrictions during
RAID Migration" (page 216).
Migration progress can be checked with the [Progress of RAID
Migration] function.
Note that the following information is not changed after migration.
- Logical Volume number
- Logical Volume name
When the migration cannot be executed, a message to that effect is
displayed. Click the [OK] button to return to the [Menu] screen.