Chapter 54 Flash Memory
3.1 Address conversion from CPU Mode to Flash Programming Mode
Flash memory's address mapping is different depending on whether it is being accessed from the FR-CPU or
parallel Flash programmer
The following equations are an example to calculate a Flash programming mode address (FA) from a CPU
mode address (addr) for the 64bit flash type with a memory size of 1088kB (16x64kB + 8x8kB), as used on
SA0, SA2, SA4, SA6 (14:0000h ≤ addr ≤ 14:FFFFh; addr[2]=0):
FA = addr - addr%00:4000h + (addr%00:4000h)/2 - (addr/2)%4 + addr%4 - 05:0000h
SA1, SA3, SA5, SA7 (14:0000h ≤ addr ≤ 14:FFFFh; addr[2]=1):
FA = addr - addr%00:4000h + (addr%00:4000h)/2 - (addr/2)%4 + addr%4 - 04:E000h
SA8, SA10, SA12, SA14, SA16, SA18, SA20, SA22 (04:0000h ≤ addr ≤ 13:FFFFh; addr[2]=0):
FA = addr - addr%02:0000h + (addr%02:0000h)/2 - (addr/2)%4 + addr%4 + 0C:0000h
SA9, SA11, SA13, SA15, SA17, SA19, SA21, SA23 (04:0000h ≤ addr ≤ 13:FFFFh; addr[2]=1):
FA = addr - addr%02:0000h + (addr%02:0000h)/2 - (addr/2)%4 + addr%4 + 0D:0000h
For other flash memory sizes or types please see the related datasheets.