Fujitsu FR60 Computer Hardware User Manual

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Chapter 33 I2C Controller
Chapter 33 I
C Controller
1. Overview
The I
C interface is a serial I/O port supporting the Inter IC bus, operating as a master/slave device on the I
Master/slave transmitting and receiving functions
Arbitration function
Clock synchronization function
General call addressing support
Transfer direction detection function
Repeated start condition generation and detection function
Bus error detection function
7 bit addressing as master and slave
10 bit addressing as master and slave
Possibility to give the interface a seven and a ten bit slave address
Acknowledging upon slave address reception can be disabled (Master-only operation)
Address masking to give interface several slave addresses (in 7 and 10 bit mode)
Up to 400 kBit transfer rate
Possibility to use built-in noise filters for SDA and SCL
Can receive data at 400 kBit if R-Bus-Clock is higher than 6 MHz regardless of prescaler setting
Can generate MCU interrupts on transmission and bus error events
Supports being slowed down by a slave on bit and byte level
The I
C interface does not support SCL clock stretching on bit level since it can receive the full 400 kBit
datarate if the R-Bus-Clock (CLKP) is higher than 6 MHz regardless of the prescaler setting. However, clock
stretching on byte level is performed since SCL is pulled low during an interrupt (INT=‘1’ in IBCR2 register).