Chapter 35 Free-Run Timer
• bit3: Clear mode
• Set the clear mode of the free-run timer.
• If the clear mode bit is set to “1”, when the count value of the free-run timer and the compare-register
value (OCCP) match, the count value of the free-run timer is cleared to “0000h”.
• The reset and writing “1” to the clear bit (CLR) cause to clear the count value of the free-run timer to
“0000h”, regardless of the setting of the clear mode bit.
• The count value of the free-run timer is only cleared when the free-run timer is running. When the free-
run timer is stopped, clear it by writing “0000h” to the timer data register (TCDT).
• bit2: Clear
• When the clear bit is set to “1”, the count value of the free-run timer is cleared to “0000h”. The clear bit is
read as “1” until the free-run timer is completely cleared.
When the free-run timer is completely cleared, the clear bit is also cleared to “0”.
• When the clear operation of the free-run timer and writing “1” to the clear bit occurs at the same time, the
clear bit keeps “1”, and after the next time the free-run timer is cleared, it is cleared.
• bit1-bit0: Count clock division ratio selection (when the internal clock is selected)
• Select the division ratio of the count clock of the free-run timer.
• Change the division ratio when the setting of the count clock division ratio selection bit is changed. When
the internal clock is selected as the count clock of the free-run timer (count clock selection bit ECLK=“0”),
change the setting when other peripheral modules (output compare, input capture, etc.) using the output
of the free-run timer are stopped.
MODE Clear mode
0 Clear the free-run timer by the reset and the clear bit (CLR).
Clear the free-run timer by the match with the reset, the clear bit (CLR), and the compare register value
of the output compare (OCCP).
CLR Operation
0 No effect on operation
1 Clear the free-run timer.
CLK1 CLK0 The division ratio of the count clock
0 0 Peripheral clock (CLKP) divided by 4
0 1 Peripheral clock (CLKP) divided by 16
1 0 Peripheral clock (CLKP) divided by 32
1 1 Peripheral clock (CLKP) divided by 64