Chapter 36 Input Capture
4.2 ICS: Input Capture Control Register
A register for controlling input capture
• ICS01 (Input capture 0-1): Address 0181h (Access: Byte)
• ICS23 (Input capture 2-3): Address 0183h (Access: Byte)
• ICS45 (Input capture 4-5): Address 02D1h (Access: Byte)
• ICS67 (Input capture 6-7): Address 02D3h (Access: Byte)
(For information on attributes, see “Meaning of Bit Attribute Symbols (Page No.10)”.)
• bit7: Input capture 1 interrupt request flag
• When the signal change (edge) selected by the active capture edge selection bit (EG[11:10]) is detected
on the input from an external pin, the flag becomes “1”.
• To activate the interrupt request it is necessary to set the interrupt enable bit (ICE1=“1”).
• If the timing of the interrupt request flag becoming “1” and the writing of “0” occur simultaneously, the
interrupt request flag will become “1”.
• bit6: Input capture 0 interrupt request flag
• When the signal change selected by the active capture edge selection bit (EG[01:00]) is detected on the
input from an external pin (CS0), the flag becomes “1”.
• To activate the interrupt request, the interrupt request permission setting (ICE1=“1”) is necessary.
• If the timing of the interrupt request flag becoming “1” and the writing of “0”occur simultaneously, the
interrupt request flag will become “1”.
• bit5: Input capture 1 interrupt request permission
• If input capture 1 interrupt request permission bit is set to “1”, input capture 1 interrupt request ICP1 will
be enabled.
• bit4: Input capture 0 interrupt request permission
• If input capture 0 interrupt request permission bit is set to “1”, input capture 0 interrupt request ICP0 will
be enabled.
7 6 543210bit
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Initial value
R(RM1),W R(RM1),W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Attribute
Read Write
0 No interrupt request Clear flag
1 Interrupt request present (edge detection present) No effect on operation
Read Write
0 No interrupt request Clear flag
1 Interrupt request present No effect on operation
ICE1 Operation
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled
ICE0 Operation
0 Interrupt disabled
1 Interrupt enabled