Chapter 15 CAN Clock Prescaler
(See “Meaning of Bit Attribute Symbols (Page No.10)” for details of the attributes.)
• Bit7-6: Reserved bitAlways write “0” to these register bits.
• Bit5-0: CAN clock disable
000 0XXXX
Initial value
(Software reset)
R/W0 R/W0 R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Attribute
-----0 CAN controller 0 is enabled
-----1 CAN controller 0 is disabled
----0- CAN controller 1 is enabled
----1- CAN controller 1 is disabled
---0-- CAN controller 2 is enabled
---1-- CAN controller 2 is disabled
--0--- CAN controller 3 is enabled
--1--- CAN controller 3 is disabled
-0---- CAN controller 4 is enabled
-1---- CAN controller 4 is disabled
0----- CAN controller 5 is enabled
1----- CAN controller 5 is disabled