Chapter 33 I2C Controller
2.I2C Interface Registers
2.5 Seven Bit Slave Address Register (ISBA0)
This register designates the seven bit slave address.
Write access to this register is only possible if the interface is disabled (EN=‘0’ in ICCR0).
[bit 7] Not used.
This bit always reads ‘0’.
[bit 6] - [bit 0] Seven Bit slave Address (SA6-SA0)
When address data is received in slave mode, it is compared to the ISBA0 register if the seven bit address is
enabled (ENSB=‘1’ in the ISMK0 register). If a match is detected, an acknowledge signal is sent to the master
device and the AAS bit is set.
All bits of the slave address may be masked using the ISMK0 register. The received seven bit slave address is
written back to the ISBA0 register, it is only valid while the AAS bit in the IBSR0 register is ‘1’.
The interface does not compare the contents of this register to the incoming data if a ten bit header or a
general call is received.
--- SA6 SA5 SA4 SA3 SA2 SA1 SA0
⇐ Bit no.
Read/write ⇒
(-) (R/W) (R/W) (R/W) (R/W) (R/W) (R/W) (R/W)
Default value⇒
(0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0)
Address : 0000D7
765432 10
Seven Bit Address register