Chapter 39 Programmable Pulse Generator
7.Q & A
7.13 What interrupts are available and how are they selected?
Interrupt cause selection
Four kinds of interrupts are selectable as follows:
Use the Interrupt Cause Setting bit (PCN.IRS[1:0]) to set.
7.14 How do I enable, disable and clear interrupts?
Interrupt Request Enable flag, Interrupt Request flag
Use the interrupt request enable bit (PCN.IREN) to enable interrupts.
Use the interrupt request bit (PCN.IRQF) to clear interrupt requests.
(See “8. Caution (Page No.821)”.)
Interrupt Cause Interrupt Cause Setting Bit (IRS[1:0])
Software trigger or Internal trigger generation (PPG0-PPG15) Set “00”.
Down counter borrow (cycle match) Set “01”.
Duty match Set “10”.
Down counter borrow (cycle match) or Duty match Set “11”.
Interrupt Request Enable Bit (IREN)
To disable interrupt requests Set “0”.
To enable interrupt requests Set “1”.
Interrupt Request Bit (IRQF)
To select interrupt request Write “0”.