Chapter 32 USART (LIN / FIFO)
4.USART Registers
4.3 Serial Status Register 04 (SSR04)
This register checks the transmission statuts, reception status and error status, and enables and disables the
transmission and reception interrupts.
Table 4-4 Bit function of the Serial Mode register 04 (SMR04)
Bit name Function
MD1 and MD0:
Operation mode
selection bits
These two bits sets the USART operation mode.
bit5 OTO: One-to-one
external clock
selection bit
This bit sets an external clock directly to the USART’s serial clock.
This function is used for synchronous slave mode operation
bit4 EXT: External clock
selection bit
This bit executes internal or external clock source for the reload
bit3 REST: Restart of
transmission reload
counter bit
If a 1 is written to this bit the reload counter is restarted. Writing 0
to it has no effect. Reading from this bit always returns 0.
programmable clear
bit (Software reset)
Writing a 1 to this bit resets USART immediately. The register
settings are preserved. Possible reception or transmission will cut
All error flags are cleared and the Reception Data Register
(RDR04) contains 00h. Writing 0 to this bit has no effect. Reading
from it always returns 0.
bit1 SCKE: Serial clock
output enable
• This bit controls the serial clock input-output ports.
• When this bit is 0, the SCK04 pin operates as serial clock input
pin. When this bit is 1, the SCK04 pin operates as serial clock
output pin.
• When using the SCK04 pin as serial clock input (SCKE=0) pin,
set the pin as input port. Also, select external clock (EXT = 1)
using the external clock selection bit.
bit0 SOE: Serial data
output enable bit
• This bit enables or disables the output of serial data.
• When this bit is 0, the SOT04 pin outputs the default mark level.
When this bit is 1, the SOT04 pin outputs the transmission data.