Chapter 55 Flash Security
• Bit31-25: Reserved bit. The read value is always “0”.
• Bit24: RDY: CRC32 Sequence Ready
• Bit23-20: Reserved bit. The read value is always “0”.
• Bit19-16: CSZ3-0: CRC32 Size Mask
Remark: CSZ3-0 is used as an OR-mask for the address given by CSA15-0. See address calculation below.
• Bit15-0: CSA15-0: CRC32 Start Address
This register contains the CRC32 startaddress which is aligned to 4kByte addresses. It is only possible to
calculate the CRC32 checksum over addresses located in the Flash Memory address space. Other addresses
are invalid and might lead to wrong checksums.
Remark: The addresses to be written in this register are flash memory addresses like used in the flash parallel
programming mode and not the mapped addresses which are used in CPU mode.
■ Calculation of the CRC32 start- and end-address:
The CSZ3-0 setting is first translated into a mask value:
CRC32 Startaddress = CSA[15:0] << 12 + 0x000
CRC32 Endaddress = (CSA[15:0] or MASK ) << 12 + 0xFFF
RDY Function
0 CRC32 sequence running or not yet started
1 CRC32 sequence ready (data in the FSCR0 register is valid)
CSZ3-0 Function
0000 CRC32 sequence size mask is 4 kByte
0001 CRC32 sequence size mask is 8 kByte
0010 CRC32 sequence size mask is 16 kByte
0011 CRC32 sequence size mask is 32 kByte
0100 CRC32 sequence size mask is 64 kByte
0101 CRC32 sequence size mask is 128 kByte
0110 CRC32 sequence size mask is 256 kByte
0111 CRC32 sequence size mask is 512 kByte
1000 CRC32 sequence size mask is 1024 kByte
1001 CRC32 sequence size mask is 2048 kByte
1010 CRC32 sequence size mask is 4096 kByte
1011-1111 Not supported
0000 0000_0000_0000_0000
0001 0000_0000_0000_0001
0010 0000_0000_0000_0011
0011 0000_0000_0000_0111
0100 0000_0000_0000_1111
0101 0000_0000_0001_1111
0110 0000_0000_0011_1111
0111 0000_0000_0111_1111
1000 0000_0000_1111_1111
1001-1111 and so on...