Chapter 21 Hardware Watchdog Timer
3.2 Hardware watchdog timer duration register
Hardware watchdog timer duration register (elongation of the trigger duration).
• HWWDE: Address 04C6h (Access: Byte)
(See “Meaning of Bit Attribute Symbols (Page No.10)” for details of the attributes.)
• Bit7-2: Reserved bits. Always write “0” to these bits.
• Bit1-0: ED (Elongate watchdog duration).
*) This setting is not available on MB91V460.
76543210 bit
Initial value (INITpin input,
watchdog reset
Initial value
(Software reset)
RX/W0 RX/W0 RX/W0 RX/W0 RX/W0 RX/W0 R/W R/W Attribute
ED1-0 Function
00 The watchdog period is 2^16 RC clock cycles [initial setting]
01 The watchdog period is 2^17 RC clock cycles *)
10 The watchdog period is 2^18 RC clock cycles *)
11 The watchdog period is 2^19 RC clock cycles *)