Conventions used in this guide
This table describes the typographic conventions used in this guide:
Related documentation
NS9750 Jumpers and Components provides a hardware description of the
NS9750 development board, and includes information about jumpers,
components, switches, and configuration.
NS9750 Sample Driver Configurations provides sample configurations that
you can use to develop your drivers.
Review the documentation CD-ROM that came with your development kit for
information on third-party products and other components.
See the NET+OS software documentation for information appropriate to the chip you
are using.
Documentation updates
Digi occasionally provides documentation updates on the Web site.
This convention Is used for
italic type Emphasis, new terms, variables, and document titles.
monospaced type
Filenames, pathnames, and code examples.
_ (underscore) Defines a signal as being active low.
‘b Indicates that the number following this indicator is in binary radix
‘d Indicates that the number following this indicator is in decimal radix
‘h Indicates that the number following this indicator is in hexadecimal
RW1TC Indicates Read/Write 1 to clear.