LCD Controller
LCDStatus register
Address: A080 0020
The LCDStatus register provides raw interrupt status.
On a read, the register returns three bits that can generate interrupts when
On writes to the register, a bit value of 1 clears the interrupt corresponding
to that bit. Writing a 0 has no effect.
R/C indicates an access of read or clear.
Register bit assignment
Bits Access Mnemonic Reset Description
D31:05 N/A Reserved N/A N/A
D04 R/C MBERROR 0x0 AHB master bus error status
Set when the AHB master encounters a bus error
response from a slave.
D03 R/C VCOMP 0x0 Vertical compare
Set when one of the four vertical regions, selected by
the LCDControl register, is reached. (See LcdVcomp
in "LCDControl register" on page 590).
D02 R/C LNBU 0x0 LCD next address base update
This bit is mode-dependent, and is set when the
current base address registers have been updated
successfully by the next address registers.
Signifies that a new next address can be loaded if
double buffering is in use.
D01:00 N/A Reserved 0x0 N/A
Table 359: LCDStatus register
13121110987654321015 14
31 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 1630