Ethernet timing
All AC characteristics are measured with 10pF, unless otherwise noted.
Table 470 describes the values shown in the Ethernet timing diagrams (Figure 119 and
Figure 120).
1 Minimum specification is for fastest AHB bus clock of 100 MHz. Maximum specification is for
slowest AHB bus clock of 50 MHz.
2 C
= 10pf for all outputs and bidirects.
3 No setup and hold requirements for cam_reject because it is an asynchronous input. This is also true for RMII
PHY applications.
Parameter Description Min Max Unit Notes
E1 MII tx_clk to txd, tx_en, tx_er 3 11 ns 2
E2 MII rxd, rx_en, rx_er setup to rx_clk rising 3 ns
E3 MII rxd, rx_en, rx_er hold from rx_clk rising 1 ns
E4 mdio (input) setup to mdc rising 10 ns
E5 mdio (input) hold from mdc rising 0 ns
E6 mdc to mdio (output) 18 38 ns 1,2
E7 mdc period 80 ns
E8 RMII ref_clk to txd, tx_en 3 12 ns 2
E9 RMII rxd, crs, rx_er setup to ref_clk rising 3 ns
E10 RMII rxd, crs, rx_er hold from ref_clk rising 1 ns
E11 MII rx_clk to cam_req 3 10 ns
E12 MII cam_reject setup to rx_clk rising N/A ns 3
E13 MII cam_reject hold from rx_clk rising N/A ns 3
Table 470: Ethernet timing characteristics