PCI timing
NS9750 Hardware Reference
PCI timing
All AC characteristics are measured with 10pF, unless otherwise noted.
Table 471 and Table 472 describe the values shown in the PCI timing diagrams (Figure
121 through Figure 127).
1 Parameters same for bussed and point-to-point signals.
2 CLOAD = 10pf on all outputs
3 pci_clk_out high and low times specified as 50% of the clock period +/-1 ns.
Parameter Description Min Max Units Notes
P1 pci_clk_in to signal valid delay 2 9 ns 1,2
P2 Input setup to pci_clk_in 5 ns 1
P3 Input hold from pci_clk_in 0 ns
P4 pci_clk_in to signal active 2 ns 2
P5 pci_clk_in to signal float 28 ns 2
P6 pci_clk_out high time 50%-1 50%+1 ns 3
P7 pci_clk_out low time 50%-1 50%+1 ns 3
P8 pci_clk_in cycle time 30 ns
P9 pci_clk_in high time 11 ns
P10 pci_clk_in low time 11 ns
Table 471: PCI timing characteristics