Ethernet Communication Module
Transmit excessive deferral packet counter (A060 06F8)
Incremented for frames aborted because they were deferred for an excessive period
of time (3036 byte times).
Transmit single collision packet counter (A060 06FC)
Incremented for each frame transmitted that experienced exactly one collision
during transmission.
Transmit multiple collision packet counter (A060 0700)
Incremented for each frame transmitted that experienced 2–15 collisions (including
any late collisions) during transmission.
Transmit late collision packet counter (A060 0704)
Incremented for each frame transmitted that experienced a late collision during a
transmission attempt. Late collisions are defined using the CWIN[13:08] field of the
Collision Window/Retry register.
Transmit excessive collision packet counter (A060 0708)
Incremented for each frame transmitted that experienced excessive collisions during
transmission, as defined by the RETX [03:00] field of the Collision Window/Retry
register, and was aborted.
D31:12 R Reset = Read as 0 Reserved
D11:00 R/W Reset = 0x000 TEDF
D31:12 R Reset = Read as 0 Reserved
D11:00 R/W Reset = 0x000 TSCL
D31:12 R Reset = Read as 0 Reserved
D11:00 R/W Reset = 0x000 TMCL
D31:12 R Reset = Read as 0 Reserved
D11:00 R/W Reset = 0x000 TLCL
D31:12 R Reset = Read as 0 Reserved
D11:00 R/W Reset = 0x000 TXCL