LCD Controller
If you want reduced resolution, the least significant color bits can be dropped,
starting with Red[0], Green[0], and Blue[0].
Table 349 lists the LCD controller registers. All configuration registers must be
accessed as 32-bit words and as single accesses only. Bursting is not allowed.
Address Register Description
A080 0000 LCDTiming0 Horizontal axis panel control
A080 0004 LCDTiming1 Vertical axis panel control
A080 0008 LCDTiming2 Clock and signal polarity control
A080 000C LCDTiming3 Line end control
A080 0010 LCDUPBASE Upper panel frame base address
A080 0014 LCDLPBASE Lower panel frame base address
A080 0018 LCDINTRENABLE Interrupt enable mask
A080 001C LCDControl LCD panel pixel parameters
A080 0020 LCDStatus Raw interrupt status
A080 0024 LCDInterrupt Final masked interrupts
A080 0028 LCDUPCURR LCD upper panel current address value
A080 002C LCDLPCURR LCD lower panel current address value
A080 0030 – A080 01FC Reserved Reserved
A080 0200 – A080 03FC LCDPalette 256 x 16-bit color palette
Table 349: LCD registers