DMA buffer descriptor
NS9750 Hardware Reference
Bits Mnemonic Description
15:00 UNUSED Not used — read back 0
Table 307: Peripheral bit fields: Serial controller — SPI TX mode
Bits Mnemonic Description
15:14 STATE 00 Undefined
01 Data phase transaction
10 Status phase transaction
11 No-data status phase transaction
Defines the state of the endpoint after the most recent
communication with the USB device module.
This field is used primarily for debugging.
13 M31 See the USB Controller module chapter.
12 M30 See the USB Controller module chapter.
11:00 CIA If field M30 equals 1, this field contains the least
significant 12 bits of the Setup command address. Because
all Setup command addresses are required to be in the
???, where ??? is not equal to 000, the most
significant nibble is zero.
If the M30 field equals 0, this field contains the
configuration, interface, and alternate information for the
specified endpoint.
Table 308: Peripheral bit fields: USB device controller
Bits Mnemonic Description
15:00 UNUSED Not used — read back 0
Table 309: Peripheral bit fields: IEEE 1284 controller