USB Controller Module
Register bit assignment
Bits Access Mnemonic Reset Description
0 Resume
Set to 1 by the device driver to initiate a resume sequence.
This field is cleared to a 0 to end a resume sequence.
D30 N/A Not used 0 Always read as 0.
D29 R/W SPWR 0 Self-powered (SELF_PWR)
This field should always be written as 1, since the NS9750
is always self-powered.
D28 N/A Not used 0 Always write to 1.
D27 R/W SYNC 0 SYNC_FRAME support
Indicates whether the device block supports the
SYNC_FRAME packet.
0 SYNC_FRAME packet is not supported
1 SYNC_FRAME packet is supported
D26:23 N/A Not used 0 Always read as 0.
D22:12 R FRAME 0x000 Frame number
Contains the current frame number.
Note: This field is used for diagnostic purposes only.
D11:08 R ALT 0x0 Alternate value
Contains the current alternate value for the device block
from a SET INTERFACE packet.
D07:04 R INTF 0x0 Interface value
Contains the current interface value for the device block
from a SET INTERFACE packet.
D03:00 R CFG 0x0 Configuration value
Contains the current configuration value for the device
block from a SET CONFIGURATION packet.
Table 418: Device Control and Status register