NS9750 Features
NS9750 Hardware Reference
Flexible LCD controller
Supports most commercially available displays:
– Active Matrix color TFT displays:
Up to 24bpp direct 8:8:8 RGB; 16 colors
– Single and dual panel color STN displays:
Up to 16bpp 4:4:4 RGB; 3375 colors
– Single and dual panel monochrome STN displays:
1, 2, 4bpp palettized gray scale
Formats image data and generates timing control signals
Internal programmable palette LUT and grayscaler support different color
Programmable panel-clock frequency
USB ports
USB v.2.0 full speed (12 Mbps) and low speed (1.5 Mbps)
Configurable to device or OHCI host
– USB host is bus master
– USB device supports one bidirectional control endpoint and 11
unidirectional endpoints
All endpoints supported by a dedicated DMA channel; 13 channels total
20 byte RX FIFO and 20 byte TX FIFO
Serial ports
4 serial modules, each independently configurable to UART mode, SPI
master mode, or SPI slave mode
Bit rates from 75 bps to 921.6 kbps: asynchronous x16 mode
Bit rates from 1.2 kbps to 6.25 Mbps: synchronous mode
UART provides:
– High-performance hardware and software flow control
– Odd, even, or no parity
– 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits
– 1 or 2 stop bits
– Receive-side character and buffer gap timers