USB host block registers
NS9750 Hardware Reference
D15:04 N/A Reserved N/A N/A
D03 R/W OCR 0b OwnershipChangeRequest
Set by an OS host controller to request a change of control
for the host controller. When set, the host controller sets
the OwnershipChange field in the HcInterruptStatus
register (see "HcInterruptStatus register," beginning on
page 733). After the change is made, the OCR bit is
cleared and remains so until the next request from OS host
D02 R/W BLF 0b BulkListFilled
Indicates whether there are any TDs on the bulk list. This
bit is set by the host controller driver whenever it adds a
TD to an ED in the bulk list.
When the host controller begins to process the head of the
bulk list, it checks the BLF field. As long as the BLF field
is 0, the host controller will not start processing the bulk
list. If BLF is 1, the host controller starts processing the
bulk list and sets the BLF field to 0.
If the host controller finds a TD on the list, it sets BLF to
1, which causes bulk list processing to continue. If no TD
is found on the bulk list, and if the host controller driver
does not set the BLF field, the BLF value will still be 0
when the host controller completes processing the bulk
list; the bulk list processing then stops.
D01 R/W CLF 0b ControlListFilled
Indicates whether there are any TDs (task descriptors) on
the control list. This bit is set by the host controller driver
whenever it adds a TD to an ED in the control list.
When the host controller begins to process the head of the
control list, it checks the CLF field. As long as CLF is 0,
the host controller will not start processing the control list.
If CLF is set to 1, the host controller starts processing the
control list and sets the CLF field to 0.
If the host controller finds a TD on the list, it sets CLF to
1, which causes control list processing to continue. If no
TD is found on the control list, and if the host controller
does not set the CLF field, the CLF value will still be 0
when the host controller completes processing the control
list; control list processing then stops.
Bits Access Mnemonic Reset Description
Table 425: HcCommandStatus register