USB Controller Module
D17 R/W CCIC 0b OverCurrentIndicatorChange
Set by hardware when a change has occurred to the OCI
field (bit 01 in this register). The host controller driver
clears this bit by writing 1.
Writing 0 to this bit has no effect.
D16 R/W LPSC 0b LocalPowerStatusChange (LPSC)
Not supported; always read as 0.
SetGlobalPower (write)
In global power mode (PowerSwitchingMode=0), this bit
is written to 1 to turn on power to all ports (clear
In per-port mode, this bit sets PortPowerStatus only
on ports whose PortPowerControlMask bit is not set.
Writing 0 to this bit has no effect
D15 R/W DRWE 0b DeviceRemoteWakeupEnable (read)
Enables a ConnectStatusChange bit as a resume event,
causing a
USBSUSPEND or USBRESUME state transition
and setting the ResumeDetected interrupt.
0 ConnectStatusChange is not a remote wakeup event
1 ConnectStatusChange is a remote wakeup event.
SetRemoteWakeupEnable (write)
0 Has no effect
1 Sets DeviceRemoteWakeupEnable
D14:02 N/A Not used N/A Always write to 0.
D01 R OCI 0b OverCurrentIndicator
Reports overcurrent conditions when global reporting is
When set, an overcurrent condition exists.
When cleared, all power operations are normal.
If per-port overcurrent is implemented, this bit is always 0.
Bits Access Mnemonic Reset Description
Table 443: HcRhStatus register