DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
Maintenance for R6vs/si
Issue 1
August 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-917PDMODULE, TDMODULE (Data Module)
Information and Control Channel Local Loop
Test (#13)
This is a set of four tests that check the operation of the information and control
channels used between the SPE and the Digital Line port circuit.
This is an Internal Loop Around test only and does not check building
wiring. Use Test #175 for external loop around tests to the data module.
1. The SPE first sends a message to the on-board microprocessor to loop
around both the information and control channels for the port. Then, the
primary information channel loop back test is run. The test is performed by
sending a digital count from the Tone-Clock circuit pack on the primary
channel time slot and receiving the same digital count with a GPTD. The
digital count looks like transparent data to the on-board microprocessor.
2. With the port still in loop around mode, the S channel Loop Around Test is
performed next. This test consists of sending four different transparent
patterns to the on-board microprocessor, receiving them back, and
comparing them.
3. The third test is a Loop Around Test for the secondary (alternate) channel.
It is not performed for data modules since this channel is not used by
MPDMs, MTDMs, and stand-alone DA’s [G3iV2-386].
4. A Conference Test is done next for the primary channel. This test is the
same as the Analog Line Terminal/Port Conference Test (#6).
Only one value (Pass, Fail, or Abort) is generated as a result of four tests run. If
any test fails or aborts, the sequence is stopped.
Table 10-308. TEST #13 Information and Control Channel Local Loop Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
ABORT Internal System Error.
1. Retry the command at one-minute intervals a maximum of five
2. If the test continues to abort, escalate the problem.
Continued on next page