DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
Maintenance for R6vs/si
Issue 1
August 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1191STRAT-3 (Stratum 3 Clock)]
Stratum 3 Clock Alarm Query (#649)
The Stratum 3 clock provides the system with the following six alarm indications
via the TN780 Tone-Clock circuit pack:
1. Reference A failed or CI card A failed.
2. Reference B failed or CI card B failed.
3. One power supply failed.
4. All power supplies failed.
5. One clock unit failed.
6. All clock unit(s) failed.
This test queries the Stratum 3 clock for its alarm status (through the TN780
Tone-Clock circuit pack) and reports the results of the query.
The removal of a card in the Stratum 3 clock may cause alarm(s) to be
resolved and the query test to pass. However, the removed cards should
still be replaced to restore the Stratum 3 clock to full service.
Table 10-412. TEST #649 Stratum 3 Clock Alarm Query
Result Description/ Recommendation
1001 ABORT The system could not allocate the necessary resources to run this
1. Retry the command at one-minute intervals a maximum of five
2. If the test continues to abort, escalate the problem.
1005 ABORT This test aborts when it is run on a Stratum 4 system. Do not change
synchronization to Stratum 3 without consulting the synchronization
plan administrator for this switch.
Continued on next page